Calling, Charge, & Commission: The Mission of the Church
Crozetumc   -  

As we begin a new worship series, we will be exploring the mission Christ has given not only to the church, but every professing Christian: Make disciples of all people.  How do we do that?  From where do we draw our guidance and courage to live out the commission?  We start by looking at the most powerful gift we have to offer someone: our experience with the Risen Christ.  Our Scripture text this week is about Thomas, a devoted disciple who was not present when Jesus revealed himself to the other Apostles.   Thomas wanted to be there, to see with his own eyes, and touch Jesus once more.  Like countless Christians through the ages, Thomas wanted to experience Christ!  Come and join us this Sunday to see how your own relationship and experience with Christ can be a powerful means of sharing God’s love and grace with others. Associated Scripture: John 20:19-31