Good Friday: Burnt Offerings
Johnhilker   -  

The Old Testament recounts how God gave God’s people the means by which they could find forgiveness, reconciliation, and be cleansed from their sin: burnt offerings.  These offerings were consumed by fire, and the smoke filled the air.  In the aroma and visual display of the fire, God’s people could experience the moment they found forgiveness.  It was an outward sign that God received their repentance and would welcome them back with open arms.  This year we gather to recall the perfect offering of Christ upon the cross, but we also gather to mourn a multitude of things.  Our time together will be an opportunity to name our regrets, the things we have lost, and the things we mourn over the past two years of the pandemic, since we have not been together in this way for so long.  We invite all people to join us as we draw close to God and one another, find healing, and name that which we have lost so that God can fill that emptiness with God’s self, the only thing that will ever truly satisfy the sin-sick soul. Associated Scripture: Psalms 10:1-9

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