Peter: Model Servant of Blessing
Crozetumc   -  

It is all too easy to dismiss this Sunday’s Scripture as a miraculous healing that we could never duplicate today, but that is to disregard the words of Peter in the text.  Peter, the rock of the Early Church, was going about his daily life, about to tend to his prayer discipline, when he encounters a beggar, a disabled man.  Most people then, and probably many of us now, would have walked by and tried not to see him.  Peter not only stops and looks at the man, he commands the man to look back at him!  “See me, because I see you,” his actions speak.  Then he gives to the man, acknowledging him and blessing him, too.  Is this just a Peter action, or could he be modeling love for us as well?  This Sunday we wrestle with blessing others, and how to determine what we are called to do when we see others begging.  Come hear God’s message, and be part of the change in Crozet! Associated Scripture: Acts 3:1-11